
Check out the latest from Brainfish

October 27, 2023

Content Reordering

We're delighted to bring you some fresh updates that will significantly enhance your Brainfish experience.

On popular demand, we've introduced a feature that will make your life easier when arranging your Help Center. Brainfish Content Reordering is now available for all Articles and Nested Articles. Simply click and drag using the 6 dots located on the left of any Article or Nested Article, and place it exactly where you want - it's that effortless.

Smarter Discard Flow

We believe that no incorrect answer is a waste - it's an opportunity to learn and get better. With that in mind, we are introducing a smarter way for customers to discard answers. You can not only discard an answer, but you can now also categorise the reason for its discard into five categories, along with providing a suggested answer. This way, Brainfish can understand your specific requirements and continually enhance its performance. The categories are:

  • Incorrect Answer
  • Hallucinated Answer
  • Oversharing
  • Wrong Article Surfaced
  • Other Reason


Region Segmentation and Category Filtering for Brainfish Widget: We've now integrated region segmentation and category filtering into the Brainfish Widget.

Watch this space for more exciting updates!

October 20, 2023

Performance Enhancements and Monitoring

This week was a bit of a roller coaster for the team!

We made a few performance enhancements to search, and then unfortunately we had a search degradation caused by one of our cloud partners which we resolved quickly on Friday.

As a result we've now implemented more comprehensive monitoring, performance management, and created a status page here.

Answer quality has now also been improved again, with more comprehensive and specific responses that are more consistently relevant.

We've also added some bells and whistles to simple search in the Help Center (CMD+K) where you can now find any nested article with 1 click.

Widget Updates

  • The widget can now be initialised in specific regions by default
  • Users can also now turn on search by category, which will clarify with the user what category they want to search through, and then perform the search with that filter on

October 13, 2023

Interactive PDFs with AI

Brace yourselves! Get excited for the new features we've just rolled out in the platform

New stuff

Interactive PDFs for Enterprise Customers

Are you a regulated business or have a fat stash of instruction manuals?
We've now got a shiny new feature that allows customers to ask any question about your PDF document, and voila! - they'll get an answer highlighted straight in the PDF itself. They can even get a generated answer if they want. Handy, right?


Analytics Dark Mode UI

  • Midnight workers, rejoice - we've updated the Dark Mode UI on analytics. No more squinting eyestrain!

Improved Search Performance

  • We poured a little extra rocket fuel into our search function to make it slightly faster. After all, who has the patience for slow load times? ⌛️⹀

That's it for now, folks! Don't forget to stay tuned for more exciting updates from the Brainfish pond.

October 6, 2023

Brainfish Widget Customisation

We've added more customisation options for the Brainfish Widget, giving users more control over how the help center appears to their customers.

Users can now alter the colour scheme, change button text, and modify the overall aesthete that matches their brand identity perfectly. This high level of customisation will enhance the customer experience, helping to create a uniform brand image that stays consistent across all channels.

This feature allows your customer-facing content to maintain a seamless look and feel, aligned with your brand's style and tone. By creating a uniform experience, you can effectively increase customer trust and interaction with your service.

Removal of the Archive Option

In our bid to simplify the Brainfish user interface and make it more efficient, we have removed the Archive Option. This means that all your previously archived materials would now be found in the Trash. But don't worry, they're not discarded. We just made a decision to merge both functionalities into one to help declutter the interface and give you a more streamlined experience.

The Trash now serves as the place for all your deleted queries and responses, as well as the previously archived content. This will make organising, retrieving, or permanently discarding content much easier for users.

Understand what your customers are looking for

Brainfish analytics help your team to see what your users are really searching for, and whether or not your self-serve support experience is effective.
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