
Check out the latest from Brainfish

September 29, 2023

Answer streaming

You asked...we've answered! For months we've been answering customer questions using the Brainfish search engine, and averaging pretty decent response times of around 5 seconds to answer.


What is answer streaming? Answer streaming instantly shows the first word of a response and shows the user the answer being generated in real time.

This means Brainfish can now consistently answer a customer question in 2 seconds!

We're super excited by this release and it's already making customer answers lightning fast.


  • Archive Removal: As part of our commitment to a more streamlined user experience, we've removed the Archive feature due to its limited use and overlap with the Trash feature.
  • Updated Navigation: To simplify navigation, the Trash feature has been relocated to the Articles tab.

Bug Fixes

  • Search Analytics Filtering: We've resolved bugs related to search analytics filtering, making it more user-friendly and it's now easier to identify the reasons behind unanswered questions.

September 22, 2023

2x faster answers and analytics exports

We are excited to announce that our search functionality has been optimised to provide answers more rapidly than ever. Now, users can experience an average speed that's 2X faster, making the process of finding answers more timely. We are continuing to optimise search speed and will further bring this speed down over time.

Analytics Exports

To improve our data accessibility and usability, we’ve incorporated a new feature that allows users to export search questions and answers in an easier format – CSV. This feature aids in comprehensive offline data analysis.

Staff users can now easily export lists of questions, answers, ratings and related articles organised by date and time.


  • To download your data, navigate to the 'Analytics' section, under the Search tab - select 'Export'.
  • The Export will download the current filtered date range of records.

September 15, 2023

Confidence Scoring

We've now added confidence scoring to answers in Search Analytics.

This confidence score represents how confident Brainfish was that the content was relevant to the question.

It does NOT have any relation to the generated answer. It's specifically an indication of our confidence in the content's relevance.

Search engine 2.0

This week we've launched our new search engine.

It includes our new ranking algorithm which we're refining over the next quarter, as well as sets the Brainfish platform up to be leaps forward of anything on the market from a search perspective going into 2024.

Answer quality will be drastically increased as we roll the search engine out to all of our customers.

We'll also be able to progressively better optimise speed-to-response and latency with more control.

September 8, 2023

Brainfish for Insurance

This week we've released our first version of our Insurance focused product offering, an interactive Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). We've started building this in partnership with some award winning Australian insurance companies to help insurance customers understand more of the plans they purchase, pre and post purchase.

Content storage redesign

We've now completed a mammoth project to improve the way Brainfish stores and handles article content.

This will drastically reduce time to retrieve and deliver content, and sets the stage for future improvements to ranking, retrieval and content organisation in the Brainfish search engine.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with localised timezones filtering in Analytics
  • Fixed an issue where next best actions were not showing up for some Filter profiles in Analytics

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