
Qualitative customer behaviour at scale

Product analytics, user intent, user feedback, and more to uncover insights into what drives adoption and retention through each stage of the product journey. 
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Dive deep with insights into user intent, in-product behavior, and search activity

Instead of relying on low-response feedback surveys, learn exactly what prospects and customers need based on their searches and in-product activity.

Use this data to improve the user experience with individualized onboarding and support, incorporating the voice of the customer into your product roadmap.

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Understand user goals

Qualitative product and user insights

Brainfish gives you what other platforms can’t—a firsthand look at the qualitative, unstructured data that uncovers user intent.

Smart AI themesBrainfish content import
Brainfish AI
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Follow along

Product analytics

Track users sessions and behavior, identify points of friction within your product journey, and beyond.

Import content

Connect the dots

Content analytics 

Understand the common pain points throughout different journeys and where gaps exist across the board for your users.

Brainfish Analytics

Don't just take our word for it

Join the ambitious companies empowering their customers with AI.

We're super impressed with the level of support you have shown us to date, and the product's efficacy after just a few months of working together.

Omer Khan
Head of Client Experience

Brainfish is helping our global teams with understanding the nuances of our product 24/7.

Dylan Vidal
Cision One
Director of Product Strategy

Brainfish is crucial to our onboarding, training and support journeys in helping customers to learn and adopt our product.

Elisha Anderton
Chief Operating Officer

I'm consistently impressed by the outstanding effectiveness of Brainfish in managing our support inquiries.

Taimoor Khan
Director of Customer Experience

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Customers need more answers?

Book a demo and enable every customer to get the right answer.
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