Enable users at every step.

Brainfish is a GenAI platform for search, support, and product discovery that makes every user an expert in your product.

Connect our robust set of models and simple, embeddable UI to your products in minutes, activating personalized self-service workflows and valuable insights that speed up adoption throughout the product journey.   
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Brainfish Platform Feature Overview
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Relevance AIStarSmokeball AustraliaStarNowcircularStarMadpawsStarHoney InsuranceStar

GenAI search with fast, accurate answers

Give users a refreshing search experience that instantly and accurately answers their questions.

Our GenAI search module embeds seamlessly into your website and products, providing context for each answer alongside personalized content recommendations from your knowledge base. 

Dynamically generated user paths

Launch prospects and customers to self-service success with dynamic CTAs, next steps, resolution paths, or links to human support.

Brainfish Actions help users get where they need to be with zero touchpoints and minimal configuration.

In-product notifications and guidance

Real-time alerts, tips, and live communication in your product.

Guidance works out of the box based on user insights and search data on Brainfish—get started in minutes, then configure the platform over time for a more tailored experience. 

AI-enhanced knowledge base

Enhance your knowledge base impact and optimize your content efforts across every channel.

Identify key themes and learn how well your content contributes to accurate, complete answers for users. 

Powerful product and user analytics

Product analytics, user intent, user feedback, and more to uncover insights into what drives adoption and retention through each stage of the product journey. 

Get started with minimal lift

Brainfish is easy to implement with just a few lines of code.

Speed up adoption and success throughout the product journey.

Brainfish integrates with your current tools for support, knowledge base, business intelligence, AI, and governance. Adopt what’s next without throwing away what works.
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Don't just take our word for it

Join the ambitious companies empowering their customers with AI.

We're super impressed with the level of support you have shown us to date, and the product's efficacy after just a few months of working together.

Omer Khan
Head of Client Experience

Brainfish is helping our global teams with understanding the nuances of our product 24/7.

Dylan Vidal
Cision One
Director of Product Strategy

Brainfish is crucial to our onboarding, training and support journeys in helping customers to learn and adopt our product.

Elisha Anderton
Chief Operating Officer

I'm consistently impressed by the outstanding effectiveness of Brainfish in managing our support inquiries.

Taimoor Khan
Director of Customer Experience

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See how GenAI search outperforms bots and improves the customer experience.
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