
Automate the flywheel

Build AI-powered self-service experiences that convert website users and move prospects through the pipeline. Skip the high development and acquisition costs.
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Turn freemium into premium

Capture prospects from your website, product, or any other page through a search UI that’s cohesive with your site’s look and feel.

AI-powered answers help website visitors understand your product and its value faster using natural language.

Read about AI Answers

Dynamic CTAs turn prospects into MQLs by recommending the right conversion path.

Read about Actions

Fuel product-led growth

Accelerate your PLG motion by leading users down a self-service path to a sandbox, free tool, trial, or demo. Once they’re in your product, you can send live notifications and personalized product tips to improve adoption rates and turn users into paying customers.
See how Brainfish Engage keeps users active after conversion

Help your users convert

Enable users to get to "a-ha" faster, and turn them into advocates.
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