
Check out the latest from Brainfish

September 3, 2024

Password Protected Help Centers: Ensuring Content Safety and Privacy

We understand that the content within your Help Center can sometimes be sensitive and not intended for broader audiences. That's why this week, we've introduced a significant security feature - Password Protected Help Centers.

With this feature, access to your Help Center can be password-protected, ensuring that only authorized users with the correct password can view your resources. This added level of protection ensures that your customer support content remains secure and accessible only to your chosen audience.

This works in addition to cookie restricted Help Centers, and is an alternative layer of protection against your content.

At Brainfish, your content’s security is of paramount importance to us. As always, we strive to provide a platform that ensures both user-friendly functionality and secure access. For more information on how to implement this new feature, please refer to our Help Center or contact our support team.

August 27, 2024

Inline Citations for Answer Segments: Trace Generated Answers to Source Articles

Often, a generated answer to a customer query might be derived from multiple articles in your help center. With Inline Citations, Brainfish now displays which segment of a generated answer comes from which specific article. This subtle yet significant feature can provide essential context to the user and lead them to more in-depth content if they wish to explore further.

This also enables businesses to understand which articles are contributing the most to addressing customer queries and can help in creating more targeted and useful content.

August 20, 2024

Bug Fixes and Enhanced SEO Metadata with Favicon Addition

Bug Fixes: We've squashed a few more bugs in our system that were causing minor issues. These fixes enhance the overall performance and stability of Brainfish, offering our users a smoother and more seamless experience.

Favicon Addition to SEO Metadata: To enhance brand visibility and recognition in search results, we've added the configured company favicon to the SEO metadata. This means when your articles or help center content appear in Google search results, your brand's favicon will be displayed. This small but essential detail can enhance your brand's authenticity and trustworthiness, improving click-through rates.

August 9, 2024

New Team Working Model, Enhanced Testing

Revamped Team Working Model: This week, we've made changes to our team's working model. Specifically, we have readjusted our sprint start and end dates. This alteration has been made to maximize the alignment of our team's workflow with the business's demands and project timeframes. We believe that this change improves our efficiency further and allows us to deliver product enhancements even faster.

Improved Unit Testing and Stability: We've augmented our unit testing processes! The strength and reliability of Brainfish are paramount to us. Hence we've worked on extending our unit testing to cover broader scenarios and improve system stability. With even more robust testing mechanisms in place, we are better positioned than ever to ensure the smooth functioning and readiness of our application.

Understand what your customers are looking for

Brainfish analytics help your team to see what your users are really searching for, and whether or not your self-serve support experience is effective.
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