
Check out the latest from Brainfish

March 15, 2024

EU Region Optimisation and Improvements in Dark Mode

Maintaining our stride in enhancing user experience, here's what this week's update includes:

EU Region Optimisation

For our users in EU, we've optimised our servers to reduce latency and deliver smoother, faster responses. This optimisation ensures our clients in Europe can utilise Brainfish's rich features without any geographical lags.

Dark Mode Fixes

Listening to your feedback, we made a series of small bug fixes and adjustments to improve the Brainfish experience in dark mode. This should provide a more seamless viewing experience for those late-night work sessions and offer relief to your eyes in darker settings.

As always, thank you for your feedback and suggestions. Every improvement we make is driven by your needs, and we're dedicated to helping your business understand and serve its customers better.

March 8, 2024

Shareable Answers, EU Deployment, and Editor Improvements

This week we are delivering significant Brainfish enhancements, tailored for sharing - and for our European users:

Quick Share & Copy Functionality

We've enhanced the Brainfish Help Center to now include a quick share button, letting you send an entire Q&A sequence—including any related articles—instantly. We've cleverly packed the question and answer into the shared URL, making it simple for others to see the exact response you received. Alternatively, a new copy button lets you easily add an answer to your clipboard for further use.

Deployment for EU Users

We have successfully expanded our EU infrastructure, concluding our second deployment specifically for the European region. This serves to increase speed, reliability and data protection for our valued European customers by keeping services within the region.

Editor Tweaks

We’ve tightened up the Brainfish Editor by sorting out a few minor bugs. This should make the text manipulation experience within the Brainfish app significantly more fluid.

We couldn't make these improvements without your feedback - keep it coming!

March 1, 2024

Enhanced Mobile Autocomplete and Meta Data Updates

We're kicking off March with better mobile usability and performance enhancements in this week's update:

Enhanced Mobile Autocompletion

We've updated our mobile autocomplete feature on the Help Center, further simplifying the user journey. Now, users can click on their current typed search term instead of needing to press the 'Enter' key. This improvement aims to make Brainfish more new-user-friendly and streamline the query process.

Meta Data Fixes

Throughout February, we identified and subsequently fixed a series of meta data issues to increase storage competency and improve the overall performance of the Brainfish app.

Improved Region Support

We have bolstered our region support, laying the foundational stones necessary for the launch of a second, dedicated Brainfish instance in the European Union. This upcoming addition is in alignment with GDPR requirements.

Team Expansion:

Finally, we're thrilled to announce a new addition to our dedicated engineering team! Welcome aboard!

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements as we continue to optimise your Brainfish experience!

February 23, 2024

Brainfish Agent Assist 1.0 Overview: Redesigned and Enhanced - Plus a New Way to Import Articles

To end the groundhog day of questions to your support and product teams from other departments, we're here this week with significant updates to our Chrome Extension, Agent Assist, and to introduce a useful new feature to quickly import knowledge or blog articles:

Introducing the Revamped Agent Assist:

We're thrilled to present Agent Assist 1.0, which is designed with your internal staff in mind. This advanced Chrome Extension empowers your teams to get access to information quickly and independently, reducing the load on your support and product personnel.

The new Agent Assist features a streamlined set of filters, allowing your team to rapidly hone in on the exact information they are seeking, virtually eliminating the need for extensive searching or for fallback on the support team.

The search function within Agent Assist 1.0 has been completely overhauled, generating specific answers backed by your docs in under 2 seconds. This reduces internal query times and allows your teams to find immediate answers to pressing questions about the company's products.

This blend of near-instant answers and deep filters translates into reduced discrepancies, clearer information, and significantly reduces the load on your product and support teams as the answers to common internal questions are readily available.

Finally, the attractiveness of Agent Assist goes beyond its functionality. We've designed the new interface intuitively to require no training or setup, ensuring it's easy-to-use for all team members, further simplifying the quest for quick, accessible answers. All you have to do to use it, is be a Brainfish customer, and be logged in to the Brainfish app (though you don't have to have Brainfish open to use Agent Assist).

A New Way to Import Content:

We've introduced a simplified way to supplement your collections with relevant articles. You can now import an article by pasting its URL, which facilitates adding resourceful knowledge or blog articles to your Brainfish knowledgebase without relying on manual effort.

How does it work? Navigate to a Collection > click on the top 3 dots > select Import > paste the URL. This method can also extract content from regular web pages, widening the variety of informational resources at your teams' disposal.

What's The Bottom Line?

Through Agent Assist 1.0, Brainfish aims to arm your internal teams with immediate access to essential information, pulling their reliance away from support teams. Combined with the new method of filling your collections quicker, Brainfish is here to enable an efficient, empowered internal operation that alleviates pressure on your support and product teams.

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Brainfish analytics help your team to see what your users are really searching for, and whether or not your self-serve support experience is effective.
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