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July 5, 2024
Enhanced Theme Specificity and Sustained Product Interactivity with Brainfish Open

Enhanced Theme Specificity and Sustained Product Interactivity with Brainfish Open

Improved Qualitative Theme Specificity: We've fine-tuned Brainfish Themes. Now you can enjoy even more precise and specific theme categorizations, enabling deeper insights into your customer's inquiries and behavior. Our advanced AI has been recalibrated for even better data analysis that's unique customer to customer, allowing for detailed theme identification that ultimately aids in devising more effective support and product strategies.

Sustained Product Interactivity: We've enabled the Brainfish interface to stay open while you interact with the rest of your product. This update means you no longer have to switch back and forth, resulting in a more streamlined user experience, making it easier for users to resolve their queries.

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